In an age dominated by impersonal arenas and players who act more like celebrities than athletes, the centennial celebration of Juventus represents a resistance against the tide of modern football
Your support keeps the open-source ecosystem alive, contribute now, in any way you can
Reflecting on a week filled with learning and networking, surrounded by both longstanding companions and newfound friends
Ten years later, I'm back at PythonBrasil, this time as a keynote speaker
Kazuhiko Nishi is back, MSX is back, and retro computing gets a new life
As Plone Conference 2023 ends, I’m taking a moment to look back at my time on the Plone Foundation Board.
Multiple open-source project releases and updates during August and September
In this nostalgic look back, I share my journey with IRC—from its early days as a new frontier and a hub for community meetups, to its gradual decline and my own evolving relationship with it.
A step-by-step guide to retrieving authors information and optimizing it using Content Expanders from plone.restapi
Following the release of collective.mastodon, I am excited to announce another milestone: content rules integration with Bluesky, the (soon-to-be) decentralized social network based on the AT Protocol.