Genuary 27 - Code for one hour. At the one hour mark, you are done.


Genuary 27 - Code for one hour. At the one hour mark, you are done.
Círculos concêntricos com 'espinhos' criados com py5.noise.
import numpy as np
import py5

from utils import helpers

sketch = helpers.info_for_sketch(__file__, __doc__)

def calcula_circulo(diametro):
    raio = diametro / 2
    n = int(raio)
    pontos = []
    for ponto in range(0, n + 1):
        passo = 2 * py5.PI / n * ponto
        x = np.cos(passo) * raio
        y = np.sin(passo) * raio
        noise = py5.noise(x, y)
        pontos.append((int(x), int(y), noise))
    return pontos

def popula_pontos():
    pontos = []
    step = 30
    diametro = 15
    while diametro < 720:
        if diametro % 180 == 0:
            step += 20
        diametro += step
    return pontos

def desenha_circulo(circulo, idx):
    z = -300 + (idx * 10)
    with py5.begin_shape():
        x0 = None
        y0 = None
        for x, y, noise in circulo:
            h = 240 - (idx * 10)
            s = abs(100 - (idx * 20))
            b = 100 * abs(noise)
            py5.fill(py5.color(h, s, b))
            py5.stroke(py5.color(h, s, b - 5))
            py5.vertex(x, y, z)
            if x0:
                py5.quadratic_vertex(x0, y0, z, x, y, z)
            x_noise = x + (noise * x / 4)
            y_noise = y + (noise * y / 3)
            py5.quadratic_vertex(x, y, z, x_noise, y_noise, z)
            x_noise_1 = x_noise + (noise * x / 8)
            y_noise_1 = y_noise + (noise * y / 5)
            py5.quadratic_vertex(x_noise, y_noise, z, x_noise_1, y_noise_1, z)
            x0 = x
            y0 = y

def setup():
    global PONTOS
    py5.size(helpers.LARGURA, helpers.ALTURA, py5.P3D)
    py5.color_mode(py5.HSB, 360, 100, 100)
    PONTOS = popula_pontos()

def draw():
    py5.background(120, 0, 0)
    with py5.push_matrix():
        py5.translate(py5.width / 2, py5.height / 2, 0)
        for idx, circulo in enumerate(PONTOS[::-1]):
            py5.translate(0, idx, idx * 1.6)
            py5.rotate_z(py5.radians(idx * 5))
            py5.rotate(py5.radians(py5.random_int(15, 60)))
            desenha_circulo(circulo, idx)

def key_pressed():
    key = py5.key
    if key == " ":

def save_and_close():

if __name__ == "__main__":