from helpers import CelulaV2 as Celula
from helpers import HEIGHT
from helpers import save_image
from helpers import WIDTH
from helpers import write_legend
from pathlib import Path
import py5
IMG_NAME = Path(__file__).name.replace(".py", "")
GRADE = []
py5.color(10, 0, 78),
py5.color(10, 0, 78),
py5.color(10, 0, 78),
py5.color(10, 0, 78),
py5.color(37, 67, 32),
py5.color(37, 67, 32),
py5.color(37, 67, 32),
def forma_01(x, y, largura, largura_i):
x_h = x + largura / 2
y_h = y + largura / 2
x1 = x + largura
y1 = y + largura
# Interno
buffer_i = (largura - largura_i) / 2
xi0 = x + buffer_i
xi1 = xi0 + largura_i
xih = (xi1 - xi0) / 2
yi0 = y + buffer_i
yi1 = yi0 + largura_i
yih = (yi1 - yi0) / 2
xbz1 = xi0 + ((largura_i / 2) * 0.45)
xbz2 = xi1 - ((largura_i / 2) * 0.45)
ybz1 = yi0 + ((largura_i / 2) * 0.45)
ybz2 = yi1 - ((largura_i / 2) * 0.45)
s = py5.create_shape()
with s.begin_shape():
s.vertex(x, y)
s.vertex(x1, y)
s.vertex(x1, y1)
s.vertex(x, y1)
s.vertex(x, y)
with s.begin_contour():
s.vertex(xi0, yih)
s.bezier_vertex(xi0, ybz1, xbz1, yi0, xih, yi0)
s.bezier_vertex(xbz2, yi0, xi1, ybz1, xi1, yih)
s.bezier_vertex(xi1, ybz2, xbz2, yi1, xih, yi1)
s.bezier_vertex(xbz1, yi1, xi0, ybz2, xi0, yih)
return s
def setup():
py5.size(WIDTH, HEIGHT, py5.P3D)
py5.background(py5.color(248, 241, 219))
write_legend([py5.color(0)], IMG_NAME)
linhas = 10
colunas = 10
margem = 50
largura = (py5.width - (2 * margem)) / colunas
forma = forma_01(0, 0, largura, largura * 0.6)
for i in range(colunas):
x = int(margem + largura / 2 + i * largura)
for j in range(linhas):
y = int(margem + largura / 2 + j * largura)
celula = Celula(x, y, largura, [forma], CORES)
for celula in GRADE:
def key_pressed():
key = py5.key
if key == " ":
def save_and_close():
save_image(IMG_NAME, "png")