from helpers import HEIGHT
from helpers import save_image
from helpers import WIDTH
from helpers import write_legend
from pathlib import Path
import numpy as np
import py5
SIZE = 780
IMG_NAME = Path(__file__).name.replace(".py", "")
def calcula_circulo(diametro):
pontos = []
raio = diametro // 2
n = 360
for ponto in range(0, n + 1):
x = np.cos(2 * py5.PI / n * ponto) * raio
y = np.sin(2 * py5.PI / n * ponto) * raio
pontos.append((int(x), int(y)))
return pontos
def poligono(pontos, lados=3):
angle = 360 / lados
s = py5.create_shape()
with s.begin_closed_shape():
for i in range(0, lados + 1):
if (idx := int(i * angle)) > 360:
idx = idx % 360
x, y = pontos[idx]
s.vertex(x, y)
return s
def setup():
py5.size(WIDTH, HEIGHT, py5.P3D)
py5.background(py5.color(248, 241, 219))
write_legend([py5.color(0)], IMG_NAME)
py5.color_mode(py5.HSB, 360, 100, 100)
pontos = calcula_circulo(800)
tamanho = SIZE
with py5.push_matrix():
py5.translate(WIDTH // 2, HEIGHT // 2)
for lados in range(10, 2, -1):
forma = poligono(pontos, lados)
h = lados * 36
s = 0
b = 0
cor = py5.color(h, s, b)
s = 100
b = 40
cor = py5.color(h, s, b)
py5.shape(forma, 0, 0, tamanho, tamanho)
print(lados, tamanho)
tamanho = tamanho * 0.8
def key_pressed():
key = py5.key
if key == " ":
save_image(IMG_NAME, extension="png")