Soy Loco Por Ti America
By Érico Andrei

Soy Loco Por Ti America

It all began with PythonBrasil (back in the day we called it PyCon Brasil) in 2005, then in 2009 Argentina followed and now we have four South American PyCon editions thanks to Uruguay and Venezuela.

Argentinean and Brazilian Python communities have been working together since the first edition of PyConAr. Coordinating efforts to bring keynotes, gather sponsorship and scheduling conference dates in a way that attending both conferences is economically viable.

After my daytrip to PyConAr last year -- I was in Junin just long enough to give my talk -- I promissed to come back and have an asado, so as soon as they announced the dates I booked my trip. Of course attending PythonBrasil was a done deal, so I was prepared to attend 4 PyCons during 2012 (PyConUS and EuroPython).

Then few months ago I was contacted by Israel Fermín Montilla to be the a keynote of PyConVE and I promptly accepted. The Plone community in Venezuela is thriving, thanks to the world famous Leonardo Caballero (macagua) and that would be a great opportunity to organize a meetup with them. So, there were 5 PyCons.

And one day, procrastinating on Reddit, there was a call for papers for PyCon Uy! I've never been to Montevideo and flights are relatively cheap so I decided to submit a talk and wait. Miguel Paolino, one of the organizers, was enthusiastic about having me there, so, now, 6 PyCons in a year...

In all of them I'm going to talk about Plone or Plone powered projects, also I'm giving a tutorial in Caracas this Friday about creating Intranets with Plone and we are hosting a small sprint also.

I will post about them later this week.

And, so it begins...